🌌 What is this?
create-universal-app (CUA) is an opinionated template for creating full-stack universal (mobile + web codeshare) apps with built-in auth for both mobile and web using Expo (mobile), NextJS (web), tRPC, Prisma, Tamagui (UI + styling), and Clerk (mobile + web auth). A demo is live at cua-demo.vercel.app (opens in a new tab).
Here's (opens in a new tab) a 20 minute Youtube tutorial going over everything if that's more of your style!
You can also run npx create-t3-universal-app
to start your project! (by albbus (opens in a new tab))
If you have any question while using this, feel free to join our 👾Discord👾 (opens in a new tab), we are all pretty active in there!
This repo is made on top of:
- create-t3-turbo (opens in a new tab): expo, next, trpc, prisma, nextauth - no UI code share & no mobile auth.
- t3-turbo-and-clerk (opens in a new tab): t3 turbo with auth for mobile + web - still no UI code share.
- tamagui + solito starter (opens in a new tab): expo + next code share - no tRPC & no built-in auth.