Behind the decisions

đź’­ Why Tamagui for UI & styling?

What is Tamagui?

TLDR: it's for making things look pretty on both web and mobile while being really really fast and easy to work with. In more detail, Tamagui has 3 things:

  • Compiler: their unique way of turning your "style related code" into pure CSS faster. Most important thing here is probably the tree flattening thing they do.
  • Core: a small set of components they built aimed to replace View and Text that you use in React Native, with some advantages.
  • UI: a set of UI components that the Tama team built using Core.

Check out their docs (opens in a new tab) for more informations.

Why not Nativewind & Tailwind?

What I like about Tamagui is that it's simultaneously Tailwind and DaisyUI that's built from the ground up designed for universal apps with its own compiler and core components.

Feel free to use Nativewind & Tailwind instead of Tamagui, you should be able to set things up fairly easily (and if you do please contribute to this template creating a branch with the Nativewind installation).